Monday, April 19, 2010

Best Forex Trading Strategy - A Timeless Strategy Any Trader Can Use to Make Massive Profits!

Most Forex traders don't use the strategy enclosed but don't let that concern you, the vast majority of Forex traders lose money. The good news is this strategy is easy to learn and will catch all the big trends and profits.

Most traders like to think they can predict lows and highs in a currency, so they try and predict where prices may go next but the fact is you simply cannot predict price changes in advance and these traders are just hoping or guessing, where prices may go next. The fact is the best way to achieve Forex trading success is based on trading the reality of price change which leads me, to the strategy we are going to look at in this article.

If you look at a Forex chart, you will see how all the big trends start and continue:

The big bullish Forex trends, ALL start by breaking through resistance to new chart highs, therefore, the best Forex strategy to use is one based on buying these breakouts. You just buy breakouts as they occur and this is a timeless way to make money.

When buying breakouts, look for price levels which have provided firm resistance, before the break occurs because, the greater the number of tests the level has been tested, the higher the odds the break will continue when it occurs and the bigger the profit potential will be.

If you are patient and trade the really good breakouts, you will very often have 10 times or more, profit potential, in relation to the risk you take, because your stop is always close, just under the breakout point.

Many of the world's top currency traders base their Forex trading strategies on breakout trading methodology and if you base your strategy on this method, you can focus on getting in on all the big trends and profits. So trade breakouts and you can target, a triple digit annual income in just 30 minutes a day.

Source : azinearticles

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